Endlich wieder Sommerfest in Tralau. Das wird schön. Hier alles was ihr wissen müsst:
oi dear friendz 🙂
you are invited to join us for our summer party on the 27.08.2022 for some
fresh pizza, drinks and live music. come on, let’s twist again!!
there will be no bar, just drinks on a donation basis.
there is plenty of camping space to bring your tents & parking opportunities for your busses, vans, trucks but not for your private jets, sorry.
* 611 (singer-songwriter)
* las vegas lady (EBM)
* couchlog (downtempo)
* matzekeule (punkrock)
* das heinrich manöver (psychedelic funk live hip hop)
* back2back^2 dj allstars
we do not tolerate (discrimi)nations, cops, nazis, homophobes, sexists, people who own a house on sylt… the list goes on with such shit, as you probably know!
be excellent to eachother!
looking forward to see you here! 🙂
love, rage and anarchy!

Samstag, 27.08.2022
Uhrzeit? ma gucken
Eichendamm 34, 23843 Tralau (bei Bad Oldesloe)
RSVP: Facebook-Event, Bandsintown, Songkick